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Polycystic ovary syndrome and the risk of preeclampsia

Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019

Aluko A, et al. - In order to determine the association between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and preeclampsia, researchers performed a retrospective case-control study of singleton deliveries matching each patient with preeclampsia (case) to the next delivery without preeclampsia (control) who delivered at the same gestational age, at a tertiary care hospital from 2011-2015. They included 435 cases and 435 controls. No significant correlation of a history of PCOS with the risk of preeclampsia was observed. Inconsistency remains regarding the association between PCOS and preeclampsia, and this may be due to heterogeneity within the PCOS population. The groups were not different in infertility or use of in vitro fertilization, which may explain why the expected association between PCOS and preeclampsia could not be identified. As per recent data, PCOS phenotype influences the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, and the hyperandrogenic features of PCOS may drive the association between PCOS and preeclampsia.
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