Platelet-rich plasma vs lidocaine as tenotomy adjuvants in people with elbow epicondylopathy: A randomized controlled trial
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Apr 28, 2019
Martin JI, et al. - In this parallel-group, double-blind, randomized trial, the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) vs lidocaine was evaluated as a tenotomy adjuvant for people with elbow tendinopathy. They found improvement in function above 25% after 6 months in 18 patients in the lidocaine group and 19 patients in the PRP group. Whereas they reported achievement of more than 25% pain reduction in 21 candidates in the lidocaine group and 22 patients in the PRP group. No differences were observed between groups in the adjusted odds ratios. They suggested to select the candidates as per their pretreatment status to improve the efficiency of treatment.
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