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Platelet rich plasma injection for acute Achilles tendon rupture: PATH-2 randomized, placebo controlled, superiority trial

BMJ Nov 27, 2019

Keene DJ, Alsousou J, Harrison P, et al. - In this randomized, placebo-controlled, two-arm, parallel-group, participant and assessor masked, superiority trial done at secondary care trauma units across 19 hospitals in the United Kingdom’s health service of 230 adults aged 18 years and over with acute Achilles tendon rupture presenting within 12 days of injury and managed with non-surgical treatment, experts intended to ascertain whether an injection of platelet-rich plasma enhanced outcomes following acute Achilles tendon rupture. Individuals were randomly allocated to platelet-rich plasma (n = 114) or placebo (dry needle; n = 116) injection group. No evidence to designated that injections of platelet-rich plasma could enhance objective muscle-tendon function, patient-reported function, or quality of life following acute Achilles tendon rupture in comparison with placebo, or that they propose any patient advantage, was noted.
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