Platelet-rich plasma-incorporated autologous granular bone grafts improve outcomes of posttraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head
Journal of Arthroplasty Oct 09, 2019
Xian H, Luo D, Wang L, et al. - Researchers examined how platelet-rich plasma (PRP)-incorporated autologous granular bone grafts affects the treatment in the precollapse stages (Association of Research Circulation Osseous stage II–III) of posttraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Among 46 included patients, treatment was provided with core decompression and PRP-incorporated autologous granular bone grafting in 24 patients (treatment group), and treatment was provided with core decompression and autologous granular bone grafting in 22 patients (control group). The treatment group showed significantly improved Harris hip score and visual analog scale than that observed in the control group at the last follow-up. In the treatment group vs the control group, successful clinical and radiological results were observed in 87.5% and 79.2% vs 59.1% and 50.0%, respectively. The treatment group vs the control group had higher survival rates based on the requirement for further hip surgery as an endpoint. Findings thereby support the safety and efficacy of PRP-incorporated autologous granular bone grafting for treating the precollapse stages (Association of Research Circulation Osseous stage II–III) of posttraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
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