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Platelet rich plasma in patients with partial thickness rotator cuff tears or tendinopathy leads to significantly improved short-term pain relief and function compared to corticosteroid injection: a double-blind randomized controlled trial

Arthroscopy Oct 30, 2020

Kwong CA, Woodmass JM, Gusnowski EM, et al. - A randomized controlled trial was designed to compare platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with a standard corticosteroid (CS) in providing pain relief and improved function in patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy and partial-thickness rotator cuff tears (PTRCT). The trial included individuals with ultrasound or MRI proven PTRCT to either an ultrasound-guided PRP or CS injection. A total of 99 patients (47 in the PRP and 52 in the CS groups) were included. After both ultrasound-guided CS and PRP injections, patients with PTRCTs or tendinopathy experienced a clinical improvement in pain and patient-reported outcome scores. At short-term follow-up (3 months), individuals who received PRP obtained superior improvement in pain and function. No sustained benefit of PRP over CS was reported at longer-term follow-up (12 months).

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