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Plateau iris and severity of primary angle closure glaucoma

American Journal of Ophthalmology Aug 02, 2020

Nongpiur ME, Verma S, Tun TA, et al. - Using standardized ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) criteria, researchers conducted this cross-sectional study to compare the distribution of plateau iris in eyes across varying severity of primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG). UBM was conducted on 210 PACG individuals who had previously undergone laser peripheral iridotomy. Of the 210 recruited individuals, 23 were excluded because of the low quality of UBM images. The 187 remaining were graded as early-moderate (N = 103), advanced (N = 38), and severe PACG (N = 46). The higher proportion of plateau iris configuration in eyes with severe PACG vs early-moderate PACG indicates that this can be a contributory factor for the severity of the disease.

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