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Plasma pseudouridine levels reflect body size in children on hemodialysis

Pediatric Nephrology Jan 10, 2020

O’Brien FJ, Sirich TL, Taussig A, et al. - In order to determine if the prescription of dialysis to a target spKt/Vurea leads to higher plasma concentrations of pseudouridine (PU), a new marker solute whose production is closely proportional to body surface area (BSA), in smaller children, researchers measured levels of PU and urea nitrogen (ureaN) in plasma and dialysate at the midweek hemodialysis session in 20 pediatric patients, with BSA ranging from 0.65–1.87m2. They estimated solute generation rates and average plasma solute levels, using mathematical modeling. Experts concluded that higher levels of uremic solutes may be seen in small children in relation to prescribing dialysis based on urea kinetics. A better index of dialysis adequacy may be achieved via measurement of a solute produced proportional to BSA as compared with the measurement of urea.
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