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Plasma metabolomics identifies markers of impaired renal function: A meta- analysis of 3,089 persons with type 2 diabetes

Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism May 29, 2020

Tofte N, Vogelzangs N, Mook-Kanamori D, et al. - By using samples (n = 3,089) from 5 independent Dutch cohort studies, researchers examined the links between plasma metabolites and kidney function in patients with T2D. From 2 of the cohorts, 1100 people afforded up to 7 years follow-up. A significant link with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was demonstrated by 125 metabolites. For branched-chain and aromatic amino acids, glycoprotein acetyls, triglycerides, lipids in very low-density lipoproteins subclasses, and fatty acids, experts noted inverse links with eGFR. They identified positive links with cholesterol and phospholipids in high-density lipoproteins and apolipoprotein A1. Overall, this work presents metabolites related to impaired kidney function in T2D, indicating that lipid and amino acid metabolism is implicated in the pathogenesis.

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