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Plasma endothelin-1 and risk of death and hospitalization in patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology May 13, 2020

Li P, Schmidt IM, Sabbisetti V, et al. - In a prospective cohort of 794 patients with chronic kidney failure receiving maintenance hemodialysis, researchers investigated whether plasma endothelin-1 levels were related to increased risks of mortality as well as hospitalization. Among participants, measurements of plasma endothelin-1 levels were obtained. A 2.44-fold higher risk of death and a 1.54-fold higher risk of hospitalization was observed among people in the highest quartile of plasma endothelin-1 vs those in the lowest quartile, as revealed in multivariable models adjusted for demographic, clinical, and laboratory variables. Findings revealed the link of higher plasma endothelin-1 with adverse clinical events among patients on hemodialysis independent of previously defined risk factors.

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