Plasma biomarkers in predicting renal recovery from acute kidney injury in critically ill patients
Blood Purification May 15, 2019
Fiorentino M, et al. - Researchers sought the confirm the utility of plasma neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (pNGAL) as a biomarker for predicting or enhancing the ability of clinical predictors alone to predict recovery following AKI, including in their model plasma B-type natriuretic peptide (pBNP) to account for cardiovascular events. From the Acute Renal Failure Trial Network study, 69 patients were examined for pNGAL and pBNP levels on days 2, 7, and 14. For renal recovery, neither pNGAL nor pBNP, alone or in combination, was accurate predictors; the best area under the receiver-operating characteristics curve was for pNGAL using the largest relative change. Findings support that improvement in the accuracy of clinical parameters in predicting AKI recovery could be achieved using pNGAL and pBNP and that adequate discrimination could be achieved with a full model using biomarkers together with age.
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