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Plantar heel pain in middle-aged and older adults: Population prevalence, associations with health status and lifestyle factors, and frequency of healthcare use

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jul 28, 2019

Thomas MJ, et al. - Adults aged ≥50 years who were registered with four general practices were mailed a health survey (n=5,109 responders) by the experts in order to determine the population prevalence and distribution of plantar heel pain (one of the most prevalent musculoskeletal conditions influencing the lower limb, and is known to impact both physically active and sedentary people) in mid-to-older age groups, study correlations with selected health status and lifestyle factors, and state the frequency of healthcare use. For disabling plantar heel pain, the population prevalence of plantar heel pain was estimated to be 9.6% and 7.9%. The occurrence was slightly greater in females, comparable across age-groups, and significantly greater in those with intermediate/routine and manual occupations. Physical and mental impairment, more anxiety and depression, being overweight, low prior use of high-heeled footwear, and lower levels of physical activity and participation were factors correlated with plantar heel pain. The 12-month period prevalence of foot pain-related consultation was 43.0, 15.1 and 32.8% with a general practitioner, physiotherapist or podiatrist/chiropodist, respectively. Hence, among adults aged 50 years and over, plantar heel pain was a common, disabling sign. Moreover, primary care interventions should also target more general physical and psychological factors that could potentially act as barriers to treatment adherence and recovery, along with focused foot-specific management, as highlighted by noted patterns of association.
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