Plant-based diets and incident CKD and kidney function
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology May 01, 2019
Kim H, et al. - Among 14,686 middle-aged adult enrollees in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study, researchers prospectively examined the link between plant-based diets, incident CKD, and kidney function decline in this population-based study. They also assessed whether risk varied by various types of plant-based diets. Participants were followed-up for a median duration of 24 years. Lower risk of CKD was observed in relation to higher adherence to a healthy plant-based diet and a provegetarian diet, whereas an elevated risk was observed in relation to higher adherence to a less healthy plant-based diet. Slower eGFR decline was observed in relation to higher adherence to an overall plant-based diet and a healthy plant-based diet. In this study, 4.1% was documented as the proportion of CKD due to lower adherence to healthy plant-based diets.
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