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Planned early delivery or expectant management for late preterm preeclampsia (PHOENIX): A randomized controlled trial

The Lancet Oct 06, 2019

Chappell LC, Brocklehurst P, Green ME, et al. - Through a parallel-group, non-masked, multicentre, randomized controlled trial conducted in 46 maternity units across England and Wales, researchers ascertained whether planned earlier beginning of delivery decreased maternal adverse outcomes without much worsening of neonatal or infant outcomes, in comparison with expectant management (usual care) in females with late preterm preeclampsia. A total of 901 women were enrolled. Robust evidence to imply that planned delivery decreases maternal morbidity and severe hypertension in comparison with expectant management were noted, with more neonatal unit admissions associated with prematurity however, with no indicators of higher neonatal morbidity. Furthermore, to enable shared decision making regarding the timing of delivery, this trade-off should be talked about with females with late preterm preeclampsia.
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