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Planned and unplanned pregnancies in breast cancer survivors

The Breast Jul 04, 2019

Kopeika J, et al. - In this retrospective analysis of women who had completed breast cancer treatment, researchers evaluated fertility outcome in relation to intent to conceive. Overall 175 women were surveyed, of which 42% (72/175) had completed their family at the time of the survey and the intent to conceive was reported by 41% (72/175) and 4% (7/175) reported an absence of such an intent. An active attempt to conceive was made by 27 respondents, and 13 (48%) of those had a live birth. The reported unintended pregnancies were 12, most of those were terminated (58% (7/12)) with only 3 live births. The use of contraception was reported by only 32% (36/111) of those who did not want to conceive. In this study, young breast cancer survivors were studied to determine their menstrual function, contraceptive methods and fertility outcomes. Healthcare professionals are required to offer long-term contraceptive advice to women who do not want to conceive.
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