Placental pathology in live births conceived with in vitro fertilization after fresh and frozen embryo transfer
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Oct 11, 2019
Sacha CR, Harris AL, James K, et al. - Placental pathology from live births arising from fresh vs frozen embryo transfer cycles was assessed via retrospectively reviewing a cohort of 1,140 live births with placental pathology arising from autologous in vitro fertilization cycles with fresh or frozen programmed transfer performed at MGH Fertility Center between 2004 and 2017. The placental pathology was categorized as anatomic, infectious, inflammatory, or vascular/thrombotic, by an experienced placental pathologist. Of the 1,140 included cycles, 929 resulted from fresh embryo transfers (81.3%) and 211 resulted from programmed frozen embryo transfers (18.5%). In this cohort of patients, researchers observed a higher likelihood for marginal cord insertion, accessory lobe formation, subchorionic thrombi, and fetal vascular malperfusion characteristics with cord anomalies in correlation with pregnancies arising from frozen embryo transfers than those from fresh transfers, despite similar maternal outcomes.
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