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Placental growth factor testing to assess women with suspected pre-eclampsia: A multicenter, pragmatic, stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial

The Lancet Apr 05, 2019

Duhig KE, et al. - In this multicenter, pragmatic, stepped-wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial, researchers estimated females in 11 maternity units in the UK to know the consequences of circulating concentration of placental growth factor (PlGF) (an angiogenic factor) in women with suspected pre-eclampsia. Due to the availability of PlGF test, they noted a considerable reduction in the time to clinical confirmation of pre-eclampsia. They observed a lower incidence of maternal adverse outcomes when PlGF was implemented. They noticed no variation in perinatal adverse outcomes (15% vs 14%) or gestation at delivery (36·6 weeks vs 36·8 weeks).
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