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Placental growth factor as an indicator of maternal cardiovascular risk after pregnancy

Circulation Apr 05, 2019

Benschop L, et al. - In this population-based prospective cohort study of 5,475 women, researchers assessed placental growth factor (PlGF) levels as an indicator of risk for pregnancy complications as well as of greater cardiovascular risk following pregnancy. The study participants were on average 29.8 (SD, 5.2) years of age during pregnancy. Most of the women were European (55.2%) and a pregnancy complication was suffered by 14.8%. According to the findings, a larger aortic root diameter, left atrial diameter, and left ventricular mass and higher systolic blood pressure was observed 6 and 9 years after pregnancy in women with low PlGF in midpregnancy vs those with higher PlGF; this included those with uncomplicated pregnancies.

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