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Physical performance in patients treated with nocturnal hemodialysis - a systematic review of the evidence

BMC Nephrology Aug 24, 2019

Dam M, et al. - By analyzing evidence from 10 eligible studies identified from MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PhycInfo and Web of Science, researchers determined if physical performance in nocturnal hemodialysis is superior to conventional hemodialysis. The included studies comprised of 2 randomized controlled trials and 526 nocturnal hemodialysis patients. Using short-physical performance battery, exercise spirometry and 6-min walk test, physical capacity tests were performed in 3 studies. Significant improvements in physical performance were shown by the latter 2. A Quality of Life questionnaire was administered in 5 studies, with improvement in physical component score shown by 2 of those. The evidence gained was either of insufficient methodological quality or only measures isolated aspects of physical performance. Since the significance of physical performance on clinical outcomes is stressed in the current literature, it becomes necessary to conduct more and high quality research. For developing a valid comprehensive evaluation of physical performance, integrating physical capacity tests, measurement of body composition and self-reported measurements was recommended.
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