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Physical activity and association between frailty and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in older adults: Population-based prospective cohort study

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Oct 21, 2018

Higueras-Fresnillo S, et al. - Researchers conducted this population-based prospective cohort study of older adults in Spain to determine the separate and joint association of physical activity and frailty with long-term all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality in individuals aged ≥ 60 years (N=3,896). Findings revealed an association of prefrailty and frailty with greater all-cause and CVD mortality. The investigators noted that lower mortality was evident among more physically active prefrail and frail individuals. Frail but physically active individuals were similar to prefrail but inactive individuals in terms of all-cause and CVD mortality. Study results thus suggested that the mortality risk associated with frailty in old age could be reduced, at least in part, with physical activity.

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