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Photoactivated disinfection in periodontal treatment: A randomized controlled clinical split-mouth trial

Journal of Periodontology Aug 15, 2019

Husejnagic S, et al. - In the treatment of periodontitis with a red light-emitting diode as a light source, researchers assessed the clinical and microbiological impact of adjunctive photoactivated disinfection (PAD). This split-mouth study has been completed by 20 patients with periodontitis. The left and right side of the jaws were either assigned to the test or control group randomly. According to findings, both treatment groups showed significant improvements regarding bleeding on probing, probing depth, and clinical attachment level compared with baseline after 3 months, with no significant distinction between control and treatment group. After adjuvant treatment, but not significantly, the recolonization of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola was decreased. Recent trials reported the positive effect of adjunctive PAD on clinical parameters. Both treatment groups exhibited comparable clinical outcomes after initial periodontal treatment in this study and with the current settings, without any beneficial effect of adjunctive PAD.
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