Phosphate binder pill burden, adherence, and serum phosphorus control among hemodialysis patients converting to sucroferric oxyhydroxide
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease Jan 28, 2019
Gray K, et al. - Changes in phosphate binder pill burden, medication possession ratio (MPR), and phosphorus control were examined among in-center hemodialysis (ICHD) patients converting to sucroferric oxyhydroxide (SO) from another phosphate binder as part of routine care. In a cohort of ICHD patients, conversion to SO was associated with a reduction in pill burden, better adherence, and improvements in phosphorus control. In this retrospective analysis, the included patients (N=490) were aged ≥18 years old, had received ICHD at a large dialysis organization (LDO) and were enrolled in the LDO’s pharmacy service. Findings revealed conversion to SO to be associated with a reduction in pill burden, better adherence, and improvements in phosphorus control.
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