Personalized postprandial glucose response-targeting diet versus mediterranean diet for glycemic control in prediabetes
Diabetes Care Jul 30, 2021
Ben-Yacov O, Godneva A, Rein M, et al. - This study sought to correlate the clinical effects of a personalized postprandial-targeting (PPT) diet versus the Mediterranean (MED) diet on glycemic control and metabolic health in prediabetes. Researchers randomized a total of 225 adults with prediabetes to follow a MED diet or a PPT diet for a 6-month dietary intervention and an additional 6-month follow-up. All participants were connected to continuous glucose monitoring and self-reported dietary intake using a smartphone application during the intervention. The results showed that a PPT diet improved glycemic control significantly more than a MED diet as measured by daily time of glucose levels >140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) and HbA1c in this clinical trial in prediabetes. These observations may have implications for dietary advice in clinical practice.
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