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Personality traits and diabetes incidence among postmenopausal women

Menopause Jun 07, 2019

Luo J, et al. - Researchers investigated if the risk of developing type 2 diabetes among postmenopausal women is correlated to personality traits, including optimism, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, negative emotional expressiveness, and hostility. They prospectively followed a total of 139,924 postmenopausal women without type 2 diabetes at baseline (between 1993 and 1998) aged 50 to 79 years from the Women's Health Initiative for a mean of 14 (range 0.1-23) years. Type 2 diabetes developed in 19,240 cases during follow-up. Independent of major health behaviors and depressive symptoms, a correlation was seen between low optimism and high negative emotional expressiveness and hostility with increased risk of incident type 2 diabetes among postmenopausal women. They recommend considering women's personality traits in addition to efforts to promote healthy behaviors to guide clinical or programmatic intervention strategies in prevention.

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