Persistent fistula for treatment of a failed periprosthetic joint infection: Relic from the past or a viable salvage procedure?
Journal of Arthroplasty Sep 20, 2019
Troendlin F, et al. - In patients with therapy-resistant periprosthetic joint infections (PJIs), researchers examined and discussed persistent fistula (PF) as a salvage procedure. Participants in the study were all patients treated with PF between 2005 and 2018 in a high-volume infection referral center due to PJI of the knee or hip. A total of 159 patients were involved (average age, 80 ± 12 years) in this retrospective analysis. Study participants were subdivided into four groups based on the diagnosis of hip (n = 66), knee (n = 13), or Girdlestone resection arthroplasty (n = 50) or knee arthrodesis (n = 27). In terms of the quality of life and the function of the chronically infected joint, the study displayed poor results with low advantages. Therefore, the indication in the treatment of PJI for establishing a fistula as a salvage procedure must be evaluated very critically. It is necessary to carefully balance the pros and cons of various salvage procedures such as suppressive therapy or amputation. For multimorbid patients with a limited life expectancy, a persistent fistula is just an alternative.
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