Peritoneal dialysis patient outcomes under the medicare expanded dialysis prospective payment system
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Sep 20, 2019
Young EW, Kapke A, Ding Z, et al. - Researchers conducted a prospective cohort study of patients treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD) at 90 days of ESKD in order to determine how PD expansion influence PD discontinuation and patient mortality. Patients on PD exhibited an increasing tendency to be treated in facilities with less PD experience (from 34% during the prereform period being treated in facilities averaging < 14 patients on PD per year to 44% in the reform period). PD discontinuation was higher among patients treated in facilities with less PD experience than those treated in facilities with the most experience. Findings suggested a fall in the risk of PD discontinuation and indicated no adverse effect on mortality in relation to expanding PD use and declining facility PD experience.
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