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Periprosthetic knee infection reconstruction with a hinged prosthesis: Implant survival and risk factors for treatment failure

The Knee Apr 23, 2020

Chen MJW, Hung JF, Chang CH, et al. - This research was carried out to describe periprosthetic knee infection reconstruction with a hinged prosthesis. This study included a sum of 58 knee periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) patients with Anderson Orthopaedic Research Institute type II/III defect and soft tissue insufficiency who had undergone reconstruction with hinged prosthesis. Researchers performed Kaplan–Meier analysis for implant survivorship and infection-free survival. They applied Multivariate analysis to ascertain independent risk factors for recurrent infections. Using Knee Society Score, functional outcomes were tested. For PJI reconstruction, applying hinged knee prosthesis served an overall implant survival of 70.2% and an infection-free survival of 60.6% at mid-term follow up. The outcomes of this research demonstrate that obesity, virulent pathogens, and polymicrobial infections were independent risk factors for infection recurrence.

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