Periprosthetic fractures of hip and knee - A morbidity and mortality analysis.
Injury Jan 22, 2021
Smolle M, Horlesberger N, Maurer-Ertl, et al. - The present study was performed to evaluate morbidity and mortality following surgery for periprosthetic fractures (PPF) of the hip and knee. Researchers retrospectively enrolled 124 patients (mean age: 77 years; 77.4% female) with PPF of the hip (n=97) and knee (n=27), treated between 2005 and 2017 at a level-1 trauma centre. Fine and Gray's model was used to compensate for death as the competing event in order to evaluate risk factors for postoperative morbidity. Researchers computed risk factors for mortality with uni- and multivariate Cox-regression models. In younger patients, postoperative morbidity caused by implant-related complications is higher and those receiving ORIF. The outcomes suggested that with the statistical approach used, potential underestimation of actual complication rates may have been avoided, taking into account death as the competing event. The outcomes demonstrate that careful planning of the surgical procedure beyond 2 days, taking into consideration both patient's age and activity level, has no negative impact on patient outcome, despite being based on a retrospective, heterogenous patient collective treated at a level-1 trauma centre.
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