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Periprosthetic atypical femoral fractures exist and are associated with duration of bisphosphonate therapy

The Bone & Joint Journal Oct 11, 2019

MacKenzie SA, et al. - Through a retrospective case-control study of consecutive individuals with periprosthetic femoral fractures between 2007 and 2017, researchers reported on a series of periprosthetic femoral fractures (PFFs) that otherwise met the standards for atypical femoral fracture (AFFs) and determined prognosticators of periprosthetic atypical femoral fractures (PAFFs) and quantified the complexities of treatment. Two observers recognized 16 PAFF cases (44 to 88, 14 female individuals) and 17 typical periprosthetic fractures in people on bisphosphonate therapy as controls (60 to 86, 13 female individuals). AFFs occurred in relation to prostheses. An independent predictor of PAFF was longer duration of bisphosphonate therapy. Complication rates were higher after PAFFs vs typical PFFs, especially of reoperation and infection.
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