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Peripheral nerve blocks for above knee amputation in high-risk patients

Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology Jan 07, 2019

Chandran R, et al. - In this retrospective descriptive study conducted in a tertiary hospital, researchers assessed the use as well as clinical outcomes of peripheral nerve blocks (PNB) as sole anesthetic technique in high-risk patients undergoing above knee amputation (AKA). Participants were subjects with American Society of Anesthesiologist [ASA] IV physical status who had AKA using PNB between January 2010 and December 2016. This study included 57 patients, with median age (interquartile range) 74 (57 – 81) years and 60% males. Findings revealed that 30-day and one-year mortality were 12.3% & 47.4%. During the operation, stable hemodynamics were observed in the majority. Overall, PNB was found to be a viable option for reliable anesthesia for AKA in high-risk patients. The dose for sedation–analgesia during the operation would be attenuated with combined femoral, obturator, and sciatic (FOS) nerve block.
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