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Peripheral arterial stiffness is correlated with intrarenal arteriolosclerosis according to biopsies from patients with kidney disease

Nephrology Oct 08, 2019

Li Y, Yang Y, Wang W, et al. - In this cross-sectional analysis, researchers examined possible links between renal biopsy-determined intrarenal arteriolosclerosis and endothelial function as well as arterial stiffness measured by peripheral arterial tonometry (EndoPAT). They recruited patients who had both renal biopsy and EndoPAT done. Based on the pathological slice, they graded intrarenal arteriolosclerosis. Using EndoPAT, they obtained measurements for endothelial function and arterial stiffness, expressed by the reactive hyperemia index and augmentation index (AIx), respectively. They also evaluated AIx@75, representing the AIx standardized to a heart rate of 75 bpm. The study sample comprised 113 patients, with a mean age of 51 ± 13, and 68.1% were men. Findings revealed greater peripheral vascular stiffness in participants exhibiting more severe intrarenal arteriolosclerosis. For recognizing patients with severe intrarenal arteriolosclerosis, the possible utility of AIx and AIx@75 reflected peripheral vascular stiffness was suggested.
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