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Peripartum cardiomyopathy is associated with increased uric acid concentrations: A population based study

Heart & Lung; The Journal of Acute and Critical Care Aug 18, 2017

Sagy I, et al. – This population based study was meant to analyze the clinical characteristics of peri–partum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) patients as well as to evaluate the association between maternal serum uric acid concentrations and PPCM. Investigations revealed that PPCM patients had increased maternal serum uric acid concentrations. These evidence regarding the increased uric acid concentration in women with preeclampsia and congestive heart failure, indicated a common underlying mechanism that mediates the myocardial damage.


  • This was a retrospective population based case control study.
  • In this study, cases and controls were matched 1:4 (for gestational age, medical history of cardiac conditions and creatinine).
  • Conditional logistic regression was used to identify clinical parameters that were associated with PPCM.


  • The prevalence of peripartum cardiomyopathy at the institution was 1–3832 deliveries (42/160,964).
  • In a matched multivariate analysis high maternal serum uric acid concentrations were associated with PPCM (O.R 1.336, 95% C.I 1.003–1.778).
  • Uric acid concentrations were higher within the Non–Jewish patients and mothers of male infant with PPCM in compare to those without PPCM (p value 0.003 and 0.01 respectively).

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