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Perioperative risk of bleeding with antithrombotic agents in macular surgery: A national, prospective, multicentre study

Acta Ophthalmologica Apr 16, 2020

Louison S, Gabrielle PH, Soudry A, et al. - In this national, prospective, multicentre study, researchers contrasted the risk of haemorrhagic complications in elective macular surgery between patients with no antithrombotic (AT) treatment (defined as patients with no history of AT therapy or who discontinued AT therapy) and patients who continued AT treatment during the surgery. E‐case report forms were prospectively recorded in a database before and one month after vitreoretinal surgery. Data on patient characteristics, surgical techniques, haemorrhagic complications and antithrombotic status have been obtained. Between January and May 2019, 748 procedures (single procedure in one eye per patient) were performed.  According to multivariate logistic regression model, no difference was found between AT treatment groups regarding ocular bleeding complications. No cases of uncontrolled or severe perioperative haemorrhage have been reported in patients with continued antithrombotic agents in this selected population. These agents could be safely continued during macular surgery for the majority of the patients taking antiplatelets or anticoagulants.

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