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Perioperative opioid use predicts postoperative opioid use and inferior outcomes after shoulder arthroscopy

Arthroscopy Jun 08, 2020

Lu Y, Beletsky A, Cohn MR, et al. - The present study was carried out to characterize the effect of preoperative opioid use on post-operative opioid use, patient-reported outcomes and revision rates in a cohort of patients receiving arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Researchers distinguished individuals who had undergone shoulder arthroscopy from an institutional database. At one-year follow-up, inclusion criteria were completion of preoperative and postoperative patient reported outcome measures, in addition to a questionnaire on use of opioids and number of pills per day. This study enrolled a sum of 184 (16.3%) in the opioid use (OU) group and 1,058 in the N-OU group. The results showed that individuals with a history of preoperative opioid use can achieve significant improvements in patient-reported outcomes following arthroscopic shoulder surgery. It was shown that preoperative opioid use negatively effects patients’ level of satisfaction and is a significant prognosticator of pain and continued opioid usage. 

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