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Perioperative mortality and periprosthetic fracture: A single-center experience of 857 uncemented hemiarthroplasties for displaced femoral neck fractures

Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 15, 2021

Murphy EP, Fenelon C, Akoud AI, et al. - This study was sought to examine day-0, day-1, day-2, day-30, and one-year mortality as well as an intraoperative and postoperative periprosthetic fracture (PPF) after uncemented hemiarthroplasty (UHA) for displaced femoral neck fracture (FNF) and compare this with cemented hemiarthroplasties performed and researchers further evaluated if femoral stem geometry and alignment were correlated with PPF in UHA. They performed a retrospective observational study of patients treated with a hemiarthroplasty for a displaced FNF over an eleven-year period. They carried out a radiographic analysis of femoral geometry and stem alignment. It has been reported that UHA was correlated with no perioperative deaths and a 30-day mortality rate of 5% in this series. In patients with multiple medical comorbidities, it can be considered. The findings revealed that careful surgical planning and technique are important to optimize stem alignment, especially in Dorr C type femurs.

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