Perioperative effects associated with the surgical treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis: Interbody vs no interbody
Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques Mar 08, 2019
Lawrence MW, et al. - Authors studied 174 individuals to quantify the clinical, radiographic, and perioperative complications of performing an interbody and posterior arthrodesis (CAGE) vs posterolateral lumbar fusion (PLF) alone in subjects experiencing surgery for degenerative spondylolisthesis (DS). They observed no variations in patient-reported outcomes or fusion rate between the 2 groups. They recognized better segmental lordosis development (4.9±3.2 vs 0.9±1.9 degrees) and changes in interdiscal height (2.1±2.4 vs 0.6±1.6 mm) in the CAGE group. They reported worse outcomes like operative time, 199.8±36.6 vs 142.6±28.5 minutes; blood loss, 355±216.4 vs 269±28.5 mL; and postoperative radiculitis, 28.9% vs 7.0% in the CAGE group when compared with the PLF group.
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