Perioperative dietary restriction of carbohydrates in the management of blood glucose levels in patients undergoing total knee replacement
Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 03, 2019
Ferrera H, et al. - Researchers examined 64 candidates with mean age 68.5 years (±6.3 years) to investigate the impacts of perioperative dietary restriction of carbohydrates ie, carbohydrate reduced hospital diet (CRD) in the management of blood glucose levels in subjects undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in comparison with a non-carbohydrate reduced hospital diet (NCRD). They observed a significant decline in mean blood sugar values during hospital stay in the CRD group with 121.5 mg/dL (±17.1 mg/dL) as compared to the NCRD group 141.2 mg/dL (±31.3 mg/dL).
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