Perioperative antibiotic use and associated infectious outcomes at the time of myomectomy
Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr 02, 2019
Kim AJ, et al. - Via performed this retrospective cohort study of all women who underwent any route of myomectomy from 2009 to 2016 at two academic hospitals in Boston, Massachusetts, the frequency of perioperative antibiotic use at time of myomectomy was reported in addition to determining the associated risk of infectious outcomes. The myomectomy cohort included a total of 1,211 patients. Researchers noted a high frequency of antibiotic use at the time of myomectomy, despite no clear evidence supporting the practice. Among 1,211 patients, perioperative antibiotics were given to 92.7% at the time of surgery. Observations revealed fewer postoperative infectious outcomes and, in particular, a lower incidence of surgical site infection among patients who received perioperative antibiotics.
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