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Periodontitis and multiple markers of cardiometabolic risk in the fourth decade: A cohort study

Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Dec 21, 2018

Shearer DM, et al. - Authors examined 890 candidates at age 32, 891 at age 38, and 856 at both ages to evaluate the associations between periodontitis at ages 32 and 38 with a range of early cardiometabolic risk biomarkers at age 38 in the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study under regression models. They collected data regarding retinal microvascular abnormalities, endothelial dysfunction, and metabolic syndrome during the age-38 assessment. They observed no association between markers of cardiometabolic risk and periodontitis at a relatively early stage in the life course but might evolve later in life.
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