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Periodontal disease increases the risk for onset of systemic comorbidities in dental hospital attendees: An 18-year retrospective cohort study

Journal of Periodontology Oct 12, 2018

Zhao D, et al. - In an 18-year retrospective cohort study, authors assessed if poor periodontal condition increases the risk for systemic comorbidities. They included 488 randomly selected individual dental folders from 17,400 dental hospital attendees who were free of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, stroke, cognitive impairment, hypertension and dyslipidemia. For the first time, it was noted that susceptibility to common systemic comorbidities, is to some extent, linked to periodontal disease. Findings suggested an independent association of bone level presented as bone loss/age to the comorbidity profiles in two multivariate models after adjusting age and gender. This highlights that the greater number of comorbidities was exhibited by individuals with more bone resorption vs counterparts. Furthermore, worse periodontal conditions, according to 4 parameters employed, were demonstrated by those with onsets of more comorbidities.

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