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Perinatal outcomes and long-term health in offspring of teenage mothers

Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Nov 09, 2019

Zer S, et al. - Researchers examined how extremely young maternal age (≤ 17 years) influence the risk of adverse perinatal outcome and the risk for long-term pediatric morbidity in offspring. For this retrospective population-based cohort study, 213,177 deliveries between the years 1991 and 2014 met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 90.1% (n = 192,185) occurred in mothers aged 21-35 years, 8.7% (n = 18,645) in mothers 18-20 years old, and 2,347 were in mothers aged 17 years or younger (1.1%). As per multivariable logistic regression models, young maternal age was noted to be significantly correlated with low birth weight and preterm delivery. The groups did not differ in terms of the incidence of long-term morbidities of the offspring, in either the Kaplan–Meier analysis or the multivariable survival analysis.
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