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Performance of two-stage cervical cancer screening with primary high-risk human papillomavirus testing in women living with human immunodeficiency virus

Obstetrics and Gynecology Oct 04, 2019

Luckett R, Mogowa N, Li HJ, et al. - The performance of cervical cancer screening algorithms using primary high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) testing followed by cytology, visual inspection with acetic acid, or colposcopy, for women living with HIV was evaluated. Researchers performed a prospective cohort study of 300 women living with HIV in Botswana. Among these, a positive high-risk HPV test result was reported in 88 (29%); 29/88 (35%) women had CIN 2 or higher on histopathology. In a high-risk population with HIV, the highest sensitivity and PPV in detecting high-grade cervical dysplasia were evident with high-risk HPV testing followed by colposcopy. They suggest a higher efficacy of allocating resources to colposcopy in resource-limited settings than other screening strategies. High-risk HPV followed by colposcopy showed a sensitivity of 83%, a specificity of 49%, PPV of 47%, likelihood ratios (LR)+ of +1.6, and LR− of −0.4.
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