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Performance of early risk assessment tools to predict the later development of gestational diabetes

European Journal of Clinical Investigation Jun 23, 2021

Kotzaeridi G, Blätter J, Eppel D, et al. - The literature describes several prognostic models for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Researchers herein conducted an external validation study with the aim to assess the predictive accuracy of published risk estimation models for the later development of GDM at early pregnancy. A total of 1,132 pregnant women were prospectively included in this cohort study. Calculation of 15 clinical prediction models was done according to the published literature. Findings revealed acceptable accuracy of most prediction models in terms of discrimination but they lacked in calibration, which was strongly dependent on study settings. Risk prediction can be improved by simple biochemical variables such as fasting glucose, HbA1c and triglycerides. Satisfactory accuracy was recorded for one model consisting of clinical and laboratory parameters and this model could be used for further investigations.

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