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Percutaneous coronary intervention does not lower cardiovascular outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease

American Journal of Nephrology Nov 02, 2019

Chernin G, Chen S, Ozan O, et al. - Using pooled patient level data from BIONICS and NIREUS trials (multicenter randomized trials), researchers focused on the influence of moderate-chronic kidney disease (CKD) on patients receiving percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the current era. In these trials, comparisons were carried out between PCI with ridaforolimus-eluting stents vs zotarolimus-eluting stents in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Grouping of the patients was done based on the presence or absence of moderate-CKD (defined as creatinine clearance < 60 mL/min). Higher rates of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality but a lower risk of revascularization 1-year post-PCI was observed in relation to the presence of moderate-CKD in patients with CAD. The adverse consequence of CKD patients could not be explained by the absence of guideline-directed medical therapy.
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