Percutaneous cerclage wiring for type 34-C patella fracture in geriatric patients
Injury Apr 11, 2020
Qilin Z, et al. - In this research, clinical outcomes of geriatric patients with patella fracture treated by percutaneous cerclage wiring and to introduce the surgical technique were retrospectively evaluate. Researchers enrolled a total of 57 consecutive geriatric patients of type 34-C patellar fracture who had undergone closed reduction and percutaneous cerclage wiring fixation in our hospital between January 2009 to December 2015. Followed up period for 53 patients was 36 months (12 to 82 months). They used Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score, Levack score system, WOMAC test form of pain, stiffness and function, and knee joint range of motion(ROM) for functional evaluation. For type 34-C patella fracture in geriatric patients, percutaneous cerclage wiring fixation was to be a viable option.
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