Perceptions and experiences of patients following treatment with single-implant mandibular overdentures: A qualitative study
Clinical Oral Implants Research Dec 13, 2018
Nogueira TE, et al. - Authors explored the perceptions and long-term experiences of edentulous patients rehabilitated with single-implant mandibular overdentures (SIMO). In the study, they invited and included 13 participants, mean age 65.7 years, 69.2% women, who had their treatment completed for at least 1 year. Positive perceptions and rewarding experiences after rehabilitation with SIMO are presented by the participants. On the patients’ quality of life they noted a positive impact of SIMO, comprising improved ability to chew and communicate, dietary diversification, greater comfort and safety, increased self-confidence and social interaction. Insecurity after an episode of denture fracture, and the need to use adhesive paste were the few minor inconveniences that were reported.
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