Pediatric cholesterol screening practices in 9-11 year-olds in a large Midwestern primary care setting
Journal of Clinical Lipidology Feb 09, 2020
Allen-Tice C, et al. - By performing this retrospective review, researchers analyzed universal cholesterol screening rates for a large cohort of children aged 9-11 seen at 46 primary care clinics in a large Midwestern healthcare system between 2011 and 2016, as well as rates at the individual provider and clinic levels. Among eligible pediatric patients in the healthcare system, 4.0% were screened between 2011 and 2016. Of eligible patients, 4.0% or fewer were screened by a majority of clinics and providers. Findings revealed low rates of universal cholesterol screening for pediatric patients. In more than one large healthcare system and state, low guideline adherence may be reported as an issue. In clinics with higher screening rates, a small number of physicians seemed to be driving screening.
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