PAX2 may induce ADAM10 expression in renal tubular epithelial cells and contribute to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
International Urology and Nephrology Aug 22, 2018
Hou L, et al. - Researchers determined the impact of paired box 2 (PAX2, a transcription factor) on ADAM10 expression during renal epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and ADAM10 expression in fibrotic kidneys, to ultimately determine the role of PAX2 in renal EMT. They measured E-cadherin and α-smooth muscle cell actin (SMA) expressions in a rat renal tubular epithelial cell line, NRK52E, transfected with lentivirus carrying PAX2. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation (CHIP) and dual-luciferase reporter assay, they assessed the impact of PAX2 on ADAM10 promoter activity. Also, examination of Wistar rats (n = 36) who were subjected to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) (n = 18) or sham surgery (n = 18) in vivo, was carried out. Expression of ADAM10 was directly increased by PAX2. This study offers evidence that ADAM10 is involved in the EMT of renal tubular epithelia and renal fibrosis.
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