Pattern recognition receptor polymorphisms in early periodontitis
Journal of Periodontology Feb 22, 2019
Leite FRM, et al. - Blood samples of 87 positive and 73 negative periodontitis cases were examined to estimate the relation of carriage of selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of toll-like receptors (TLR), NOD-like receptors (NLR) and RIG-I-like receptors (RLR) with the diagnosis of early periodontitis in this case-control study. They noticed the protective influence of TLR1-rs5743611 for periodontitis. An association between carriage of the TLR4-rs7873784 and higher odds for periodontitis was also noted. Reduced susceptibility to periodontitis was observed in carriers of TLR7-rs3853839 and TLR8-rs3764879 among male candidates. Overall, they suggested an association of TLR1-rs5743611, TLR4-rs7873784, TLR7-rs3853839, and TLR8-rs3764879 with susceptibility to periodontitis in teenagers.
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