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Pattern of mortality after menopausal hormone therapy: Long-term follow-up in a population based cohort

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Aug 17, 2018

Holm M, et al. - Researchers conducted a population-based prospective cohort study to determine the long-term pattern of mortality in menopausal women according to different modalities of hormone therapy. Study population comprised 29,243 women aged 50-64 years at entry into the Diet, Cancer, and Health Cohort, enrolled in 1993-1997 and followed through December 31, 2013. This long-term follow-up study suggested no association of taking hormones during menopause with overall mortality among middle-aged women. On investigating cause-specific mortality, they identified significant albeit weak associations differential according to both causes of death and over time. This highlights the significance of giving careful consideration to individual risks and duration of treatment when making decisions on hormone therapy.
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