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Patiromer vs placebo to enable spironolactone use in patients with resistant hypertension and chronic kidney disease (AMBER): A phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

The Lancet Nov 12, 2019

Agarwal R, Rossignol P, Romero A, et al. - In this phase 2 multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 574 people aged 18 years and older with chronic kidney disease and uncontrolled resistant hypertension from 62 outpatient centers in ten countries, experts assessed application of the potassium binder patiromer in order to permit more tenacious use of spironolactone (efficient at decreasing blood pressure in people with uncontrolled resistant hypertension) in individuals with chronic kidney disease and resistant hypertension. Individuals randomized to spironolactone along with double-blind treatment with either placebo (n = 148) or patiromer (n = 147). In cases of resistant hypertension and chronic kidney disease, the patiromer allowed more people to proceed with their treatment with spironolactone with less hyperkalemia. Thus, for the treatment of resistant hypertension, in this population of people, tenacious spironolactone allowance has clinical importance.
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